You’ve probably heard of ‘mindfulness’ but may not know exactly what it is, nor what it can do? Ruddington resident Jakki Pritchard is hoping to change that by running new courses within our village – so locals have easy access to what she describes as “an enlightening and life enhancing way to manage our own health and wellbeing”.
Jakki explains: “Mindfulness means paying attention to what is happening right now in this moment – a non-judgemental awareness of our present experience just as it is. Although on trend, it is scientifically proven to positively affect our physical and mental wellbeing and is as effective as anti-depressants. Mindfulness helps to decrease the negative effects of chronic stress, anxiety and low mood. It significantly improves physical health, blood pressure, happiness, contentment, self-compassion and kindness.”
Jakki is a fully registered member of the Association for Coaching and The British Psychological Society as a Health & Wellbeing Coach for nearly twenty years. She continues: “I moved to Ruddington from West Bridgford three years ago. I absolutely love it here! I live at Hobbit Cottage on The Green. I have embraced the community spirit and make full use of our amnesties and services. I have made some great friends. I discovered Mindfulness four years ago and, in 2017, I enrolled on a twelve-month MBCT Mindfulness Teacher Training course with The Nottingham Centre for Mindfulness. This was the deepest, most enlightening, challenging and life-changing journey I have ever embarked upon. I am now qualified and currently running 8 week mindfulness courses for health & wellbeing in our village.”
She is currently halfway through her first Ruddington course at The Country Cottage Hotel. Her next one is to be held in the even more tranquil surroundings of the Old Chapel at the Framework Knitters’ Museum, starting at the end of May.
Jakki says: “It is so important and I am passionate about bringing mindfulness to Ruddington, especially if travelling or getting around is an issue. The course runs at the heart of our village. It’s for our local people who are leading busy lives, and who may sometimes struggle with the ups and downs, to help with all aspects of life – whether it be stress, anxiety, mood or reaching personal potential, goals and healthy eating. Mindfulness is a life tool for managing our headspace. We spend so much time and energy managing our health through physical exercise, this is mental exercise for brain and body health – to help us all treat our minds and bodies with care. Mindfulness allows us to be kinder to ourselves, have a deeper relationship with others and reach our full living potential in this precious life.”
For villagers who’re still unsure if ‘Mindfulness’ is for them, Jakki is running a FREE ‘taster session’ at the Framework Knitters’ Museum on Tuesday 15th May between 7 and 8pm. For those who then wish to sign up to her next 8 week course, that starts on 22nd May and runs weekly until 10th July from 7pm to 8.45pm.
You can find out more by visiting, emailing or calling her on 07730187310.